Sunday, June 21, 2009

This is why we never go anywhere

So my friend Shannon invited Paul and I over for drinks last night. They have an assload of Dogs also so Paul asked if we could bring Oni.

While taking cute pictures of Oni playing with their Dog Jack, I snapped this fabulous moment for posterity.



  1. This photo would look very fine in a silver Tiffany frame atop a mantel some place.

  2. Yes I know, I want to remember that moment forever!

  3. Some Grandmother might be upset if someone put a picture of her Grandaughter at a private moment on the web ??????

  4. you know you're in trouble when your mom goes through the hassle of figuring out how to create a google identity just so she can comment on pictures on your blog of your dog peeing.

  5. lol! Awww. That's sweet! Gramma loves her grand-pup. I wish my mother felt that way about my cats and tarantulas.
